Sometimes the little steps we take to be kind to ourselves can add to our feeling of content in a busy world. Here I am at 62, working as a Realtor. Being a grandma to many but most recent a little guy, we are so excited to finally have as our Son and Daughter in law experience the gift of a child after many years of waiting. Now I am playing Grandma and babysitter to help out. Let me just say my life got just a bit busier. This has made me think about getting myself more organized so I can still get things done.
What if you took a few steps today to make tomorrow better? These five strategies are simple things you can do to give yourself the future gift of more peace, less stress, and a happy start to the day.
What can you do to make tomorrow better? Here are five strategies:
1. Dress for Success
Lay out your clothes and shoes for the next day. Plan to wear something you like that makes you feel confident and comfortable.
You’ll eliminate one small decision in the morning, and reduce rushing or unnecessarily trying on outfits. (Could a capsule wardrobe could help simplify your morning routine?
I find when I make it easier meaning knowing what to wear it saves me a lot of time.
2. Plan for the Most Important Meal
Figure out a nice breakfast to enjoy in the morning. You’ll feel good, have more energy, and perform better throughout the day.
Need some fresh ideas? Here are 12 healthy foods for a balanced breakfast.
3. Offload Your Brain
Make a note of your priorities for the next day, and the things on your To Do list you hope to accomplish.
Committing those thoughts to paper (or your Notes app) will get them out of your brain, so that you can leave them for the night and sleep more peacefully. I have a busy mind. I keep a pad and pen by my bed so if something pops in my head I can write it down and get back to resting.
4. Turn off Screens Earlier
Turn off screens at least 30 minutes before you go to bed. According to SCL Health, the blue light emitted from a phone can interfere with the production of the sleep hormone melatonin and make it more difficult to fall asleep.
Instead of scrolling right before falling asleep, try reading a book, taking a bath or meditating.
5. Treat Yourself to a Good Night’s Sleep
Go to bed at a good hour, so you awaken tomorrow rested and refreshed.
According to the Sleep Foundation, adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. If you’re not consistently achieving that, you may need to plan ahead and go to bed earlier.
I love life, home and family. I have a passion for gardening and preparing food when I’m not being a Realtor. I invite you to follow me.