Monthly I post information on the market conditions. This data comes from Utah Real Estate founded in 1994 they are the leading provider of real estate technology in Utah and one of the largest multiple listing services in the United States. The company provides one of the top-ranked real estate websites in the country, servicing more than 8 million consumers each year. It also provides multiple listing services to approximately 20,000 real estate professionals, accounting for nearly 97% of all REALTORS® in the state of Utah. This data is actual numbers, recorded facts, not information based on the NEWS… My goal is to provide education on Real Estate and our housing market conditions. Please follow along and give me a call with any Real Estate needs you have. #realestate #data #education #accounting #realtors #realestatetips #realestateexpert #realestategoals #utahrealtor #utahrealestate #exitrealtyadvantage