What’s Up with Real Estate? National news and local views for the week ending Friday, September 1, 2023 The crash that wasn’t The Case-Shiller national home price index rose 0.7% MoM in June (the 5th-straight increase) and is now just a whisker below the June 2022 peak. The very modest 2.7% decline in home prices experienced […]
Monday Market Brief Aug. 14, 2023
What’s Up with Real Estate? National news and local views for the week ending Friday, August 11, 2023 Hello Monday!!! Monday Market Brief for you… National Real Estate News Inflation heads lower “Core” inflation (which excludes food & fuel prices), dropped to +4.7% year-over-year in July, from +4.9% in June. Back in September 2022, that figure […]
Sell First, then Buy? or Buy First, then Sell?
Like the classic negotiating problem called the Prisoner’s Dilemma, there are trade-offs when trying to decide if you should sell your current home before buying, or buy before selling. If you’re a home owner wanting to move, you face a classic dilemma. If you make one choice—sell first, then buy—you stand to lose one way. […]
HOME TALK Summer 2023 Newsletter
For several years now I have been sending out a newsletter. Just recently I thought I would start posting it to my Blog. I enjoy doing them and I hope my clients enjoy reading them. Scroll and see below…Thank you!!! See More… Past Blog Post